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Rebel Witch, Journal 4

Coming out of the Broom Closet, August 18, 2024

See Rebel Witch, Journal 1 for more information.

Rebel Witch, Journal 3

The challenges of being a rebel witch, August 17, 2024

See Rebel Witch, Journal 1 for more information.

Rebel Witch, Journal 2

Why be a rebel witch?, August 7, 2024

See Rebel Witch, Journal 1 for more information.

Rebel Witch, Journal 1

What does a "witch" really mean?, August 7, 2024

I recently got the book "Rebel Witch" by Kelly-Ann Maddox, which provides resources to develop a magical practice that's unique to you. Throughout this book, there are journaling exercises that it asks the reader to do to develop their understanding of their experience of witchcraft and magic. I've decided to answer those prompts here on this site. Here is the first set of questions from that.

Magic & Wendy's

Unusual Places of Power, August 6, 2024

I have a book of folk magic from the Ozarks (Ozark Mountain Spell Book: Folk Magic & Healing by Brandon Weston). It’s one of my favorite magic books so far, and it’s a great reference for spell components. One of the things it talks about is Places of Power, which it describes as usually secret, grand natural spots which hold innate power that can be harnessed for...

The Magician's Tales, Part 2

The story of our gods and the inner world, June 18, 2024

A long time ago, when this world was new, and I was much younger, I was travelling through a desert. I did not know how long I had traveled, or where I was headed, all I knew was that I felt the same pull you spoke of which brought you here. Like you, I could not remember how I got there, though it did not seem like it was intentional, as I had no such provisions that would...

The Magician's Tales, Part 1

The story of our gods and the inner world, June 18, 2024

I found myself in the dusty old magic shop. I’m not quite sure how I got there, I just knew it was a place I needed to visit, and so one day, there I was. A bell chimed as I pushed open the door, but looking up, there was no bell. The store itself was cramped and cluttered, with narrow aisles between...

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